It's no surprise that with more people in the workforce, it can be tricky to navigate the job market. The reality is that more and more people are searching for their dream job with the same credentials as the next person. Having a college diploma or even a bachelor's degree doesn't always guarantee ... read more
Find Communication In your Employment
Communication in any context is important, but it's especially important when it comes to your employment. It is not the responsibility of your employer to know what you want. While it would be lovely to believe that every employer will have your best interest in mind, it's just not true. The onus ... read more
Quick Tips for Developing Your Business Right Now!
Being a business owner isn't easy. It takes long hours, hard work, and an abundance of coffee. It's also one of the most satisfying things to say you own your own business and it's worth every sleepless night. I have 5 solid tips to help you develop your business right here, right now! Review of ... read more
When It’s Time to Fire Your Employer
Okay, so maybe fire is a bit of a strong word choice but just hear me out. In our employment search, we may find desperate times, that requires us to work at less than favourable companies, for less than stellar people. While I think it's important to work somewhere that is aligned with your ... read more